Private Flights to Summer Sleepaway Camps
The sleep away summer camp experience should be thought of and remembered by children as one of the best times in their lives.

They should remember the co-ed socials, eating candy & soda on visiting day, jumping into the freezing cold lake, adventuring into the wild, playing sports, and telling scary stories around a camp fire.
Personally sending your children off to summer sleep away camp is the best way you can make them feel secure and reduce any separation anxiety. This should be an exciting event, not a stressful one. They are about to enjoy experiences that most children are not fortunate enough to have.
Have you considered chartering a Private Jet to Summer Sleepaway Camp?
Chartering a private aircraft to drop your child/children off at summer camp can be beneficial if the camp is in a remote area, and not close to any commercial airports.
Private jets can land closer to popular Summer Sleepaway Camps in remote areas by utilizing smaller regional and county airports, whereas commercial flights are limited as to when they depart, and where they depart from. Your private charter flight will be scheduled for the times and dates you set, not the airlines.
Family emergency at summer camp? Private jet rentals or helicopter service can be arranged in as few as 6 hours and reduce hours of waiting in traffic and driving when you should be by your child’s side – sometimes, flying privately is not considered a luxury, but a necessity.
If you are planning your visiting day weekend and bringing along the grandparents or a family member with special needs, make it easier with this door-to-door type service.
Rest assured you and your family will be in good hands and will only need to concentrate on one thing – being together.
Group Charter Flights for Summer Camp
Are your kids attending summer camp with a group of friends from the same area? Perhaps it would be beneficial for your family and theirs to share a charter plane on a group flight.

Group charter flights for summer camp can be arranged on aircraft of all sizes, from 4 passenger turbo-props to private jets that can fit up to 30 or even 50 passengers on the same flight.
Please note: if you’re interested in arranging a group charter flight for summer camps, the services we provide operate under FAR Part 135 rules as a single-entity charter flight, therefor these types of flights would have to be contracted and paid for through a single individual designated for the trip.
Request a Sleepaway Camp Jet Charter Quote
Request a Quote or give us a call at 1-888-987-5387 to speak with one of our private jet charter agents to arrange your child’s flight to their Summer Sleepaway Camp experience.