The versatility of private charter aircraft allows for travel to very remote locations that would otherwise be unreachable by commercial aircraft.

This can save you valuable time that would normally be spent in transit via car. Making use of helicopters, turbo-props, and private jets also dramatically increase the safety and privacy of transporting your crew and mining or exploration equipment for your scientific surveys and excavations.
Aircraft can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your scientific or mining exploration including transport of passengers ranging from one to over two-hundred on-board, or a cargo charter plane for all of your equipment.
Air Charter Advisors takes very seriously the safety and privacy of its passengers and cargo. All flight itineraries are guarded with the utmost confidentiality and additional security accommodation can be made for your arrival and departure if needed.
Whatever you and your team have set out to accomplish, where ever in the world, Air Charter Advisors will get you there safely, in privacy, and comfort.